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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5th fatal case of swine flu in Oman

MUSCAT - Oman has recorded its fifth fatal case of swine flu with the death of a woman contaminated with the virus A (H1N1), while Kuwait announced Monday a third death from the disease.

The Omani Ministry of Health announced Sunday night that the dead woman, who was also suffering from pneumonia, was diagnosed late and had not responded to treatment. Oman, where hundreds of cases have been identified, decided Wednesday to postpone until December 26 all primary schools, the school year which was scheduled for August 29 to avoid contamination by this virus.

The Kuwaiti authorities announced Monday for their part, the death of a young boy of 17 who also suffered from a respiratory inflammation.

Approximately 1100 cases were registered in Kuwait and calls are increasingly pressing for a postponement of the school year. Elsewhere in the Gulf, 16 people died in Saudi Arabia as a result of this virus and one in the United Arab Emirates.

Ennaharonline/ M. O.

Published in

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schools to 12th grade postponded to 26 September not December!

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