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Sunday, August 29, 2010

أرقام الإبلاغ عن المتسولين في سلطنة عمان

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الإحتفاء بأول مصحف عماني يكتب بخط اليد

وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية العمانية تتبنى النسخة لتقوم بطباعة المصحف بأحجام  ومقاسات مختلفة 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The UAE is likely to raise gasoline prices in September


Published: Aug 24, 2010 00:53 Updated: Aug 24, 2010 00:53

DUBAI: The United Arab Emirates is likely to raise gasoline prices in September, an energy official said on

Friday, August 20, 2010

Air India emergency landing at Muscat airport

Agence France-Presse
Muscat, August 20, 2010
An on-flight bomb scare that out to be a hoax forced an Air India passenger jet to make an emergency

شهر رمضان المبارك

كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون
[سورة البقرة: 185]

Oman orders C-130J Super Hercules aircrafts.

MARIETTA, Ga., Aug. 18 (UPI) 

Lockheed Martin announced it has received a contract from the Sultanate of Oman for two additional C-130J Super Hercules aircraft.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

No plan to block BlackBerry services in Oman

Press Trust of India / Dubai August 10, 2010, 16:12 IST

Oman has said it does not plan to block BlackBerry services even as Saudi Arabia is working with the device maker RIM on a solution that

Saturday, August 7, 2010

دعاء دخول شهر رمضان المبارك

اللهم اهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام والمسارعة إلى ماتحب وترضى والعافية المجللة
والرزق الواسع ودفع الاسقام اللهم ارزقني صيامه وقيامه وتلاوة القرآن فيه اللهم سلمه لنا وتسلمه منا
وسلمنا فيه وقد عفوت عنا وغفرت لنا ورحمتنا اللهم اجعل صيامي فيه صيام الصائمين وقيامي فيه قيام
القائمين ونبهني فيه على نومة الغافلين وهب لي فيه اليسر والعافية إنك على كل شي قدير وقربني فيه

إلى مرضاتك وجنبني فيه من سخطك ونقماتك ووفقني فيه لقراءة آياتك برحمتك ياارحم الراحمين

Investigators have concluded that a suicide bomber attacked a Japanese-owned oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz


—Spencer Swartz contributed to this article.

ABU DHABI— Investigators in the United Arab Emirates have concluded that an Omani suicide bomber in an explosives-laden motorboat attacked a Japanese-owned oil tanker last week as it traveled through the

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Japanese tanker damaged in the Strait of Hormuz was a terrorist attack

A Japanese tanker damaged last week in the Strait of Hormuz near Oman was the target of a terrorist

تفاصيل المرسوم السلطاني رقم 91/2010م

كتب - سعود بن جميل الغنبوصي

صدر المرسوم السلطاني السامي رقم 91/2010م القاضي بتعديل بعض اعمال السمسرة في المجالات العقارية والتي على مكاتب السمسرة العاملة في المجالات العقارية توفيق أوضاعها طبقا على هذا المرسوم خلال سنتين من تاريخ العمل به.

ونصت التعديلات أولا على تعديل مسمى (قانون تنظيم اعمال السمسرة في المجالات العقارية) ليكون (قانون تنظيم اعمال الوساطة في المجالات العقارية).

ويستبدل بكلمة (السمسرة) كلمة (الوساطة) وبكلمة (السمسار) كلمة (الوسيط) اينما وردتا في قانون تنظيم اعمال السمسرة في المجالات العقارية.

ثانيا: يستبدل بنصوص البنود(أ) و(ب) من اولا و(أ) من ثانيا من المادة (3) والمادتين (10) و (19) من قانون تنظيم اعمال السمسرة في المجالات العقارية المشار إليه النصوص الآتية:

مادة (3): أولا: أ- أن يكون عماني الجنسية او من مواطني دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية إقامتهما العادية في عُمان.

ب- ألا يقل عمره عن 21 سنة ميلادية.

ثانيا: أ- أن تكون مؤسسة او شركة عمانية مرخصا لها مزاولة الوساطة في المجالات العقارية ولا تقل نسبة العاملين لديها بمهنة الوساطة عن (80%) من العمانيين ويحملون على الأقل مؤهل الدبلوم العام أو ما يعادله.

مادة (10): يتقاضى الوسيط اجره من الطرف الذي يفوضه فإذا كان مفوضا من طرفي التعاقد التزم كل منهما بنصف الأجر المتفق عليه وفي حالة عدم الاتفاق يحدد الأجر بنسبة (3%) من قيمة العقد اذا كان التصرف بنقل الملكية او أي حق من الحقوق العينية او (5%) من اجرة التعاقد خلال عام او المدة الإجمالية لعقد الإيجار ايهما اقل إذا كان التصرف ايجارا.

مادة (19): مع عدم الإخلال بأية عقوبة اشد ينص عليها قانون آخر يعاقب بالسجن مدة لا تزيد عن ستة أشهر أو بغرامة لا تزيد عن 3000 ريال عماني او بإحدى هاتين العقوبتين كل من يزاول مهنة الوساطة بمقابل في المجالات العقارية دون أن يكون مرخصا له في ذلك.

كما يعاقب بغرامة لا تزيد عن (1000) ريال عماني كل من يرتكب مخالفة أخرى لأحكام هذا القانون من المشتغلين بالوساطة في المجالات العقارية المرخص لهم في ذلك.

وفي حالة تكرار المخالفة للمرة الأولى يجوز بالإضافة إلى الغرامة وقف المخالف عن مزاولة المهنة لمدة لا تزيد عن ستة أشهر فإذا تكررت المخالفة بعد ذلك جاز الحكم عليه بحرمانه من مزاولة المهنة نهائيا وسحب الترخيص الممنوح له وشطب قيده من السجل الخاص بالوساطة في المجالات العقارية.

ثالثا: تضاف إلى قانون تنظيم اعمال السمسرة في المجالات العقارية المشار إليه مواد جديدة على النحو الآتي:

مادة (3) مكررا: يشترط فيمن يعمل في مجال الوساطة العقارية اجتياز دورة تدريبية متخصصة في المجال العقاري قبل الترخيص له بممارسة المهنة على أن تتولى وزارة القوى العاملة وضع ضوابط وآليات اجتياز تلك الدورة.

مادة (5) مكررا: على المرخص لهم في مزاولة مهنة الوساطة في المجالات العقارية موافاة وزارة الإسكان بالترخيص الصادر لهم ورقم القيد لتسجيلهما لديها.

مادة(8) مكررا: يجب أن يكون عقد الوساطة مكتوبا وتوضح فيه أسماء الأطراف المتعاقدة ومواصفات العقار وشروط الوساطة وأجرة الوسيط وأية بيانات أخرى.

منشور في جريدة عمان

Oman is interested in buying more F16

By Bob Cox

Lockheed Martin will someday build the last F-16 fighter jet at its Fort Worth plant, but that day is still years away.

Lockheed could be close to landing another foreign order for F-16s after the Defense Department notified Congress on Tuesday that the government of Oman requested permission to negotiate to buy 18 planes, weapons and other equipment worth about $3.5 billion.

It would be Oman's second F-16 purchase after taking delivery of the first of 12 in August 2005. Just a year ago Lockheed's F-16 order backlog was down to about 80 planes, and production was slated to end in 2012. But late last year, Egypt and Morocco each ordered 24 planes, extending the production line another year.

"I think we're into 2013, and 18 F-16s for Oman would extend the line until summer of 2014," Lockheed spokesman Joe Stout said. The F-16 order backlog was 81 planes at the end of June.

The Oman deal still faces several hurdles. Congress has 30 days to veto the proposed sale. If that does not occur, the U.S. government would extend a formal offer to sell planes to Oman. Once that offer is accepted, Oman and Lockheed would negotiate terms of a sale.

The Block 50/52 model aircraft Lockheed is now building and delivering to most foreign customers is essentially on a par with the latest aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force.

In addition to the 18 planes, at cost of $60 million each, Oman would purchase weapons systems, radars, navigation and other electronics systems. It would also get upgraded components for its 12 existing F-16s.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which handles controlled weapons sales, said in its message to Congress that the proposed sale would not upset the military balance of power in the Middle East and would enable Oman to cooperate with U.S. and allied forces.

Lockheed delivered 31 F-16s last year. It is building about two a month, with 11 delivered in the first six months of 2010. Teal Group aerospace analyst Richard Aboulafia said it's conceivable that F-16 production could extend beyond 2015 or well beyond if a couple of large deals are consummated. "If you adjust [the price] for inflation, the F-16 is an incredibly good deal," he said.

Lockheed is pressing India to select the F-16 for an order of 126 multirole fighters the nation has been considering buying in a drawn-out procurement process. Taiwan would like to buy 66 new model F-16s, but both the Bush and Obama administrations have refused for fear of upsetting China.

Sales of the F-35 joint strike fighter were supposed to have sealed the fate of the F-16, but years of delays and soaring cost estimates could keep the F-16 production line going.

"The most interesting thing is Israel. Given the sticker shock they seem to be having about the F-35, they could decide to opt for a high-low mix of some F-35s and more F-16s," Aboulafia said.

He said Israel and other F-16 owners could decide to buy some additional jets over the next several years to replace their oldest planes.

Bob Cox, 817-390-7723

Published in

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A militant group claimed responsibility for the explosion aboard an oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz

By Saad Abedine, CNN
August 4, 2010 -- Updated 0753 GMT (1553 HKT)
(CNN) -- A militant Islamist group has claimed responsibility for the explosion aboard an oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz near Oman last month.

In a statement posted on various websites that regularly carry messages from al Qaeda leaders, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades included a picture of a man they claimed carried out a suicide attack on the tanker on July 28. The group said the attack was intended to "strike an economic blow to the infidels."

CNN was not immediately able to authenticate the claim.

The group, said to be inspired by al Qaeda, is believed to be behind several attacks in the Middle East, including the October 2004 attack on a hotel and nearby camp sites in Egypt that killed more than three dozen people.

The statement from the Abdullah Azzam Brigades said the attack on the tanker was the "conquest of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman" -- a reference to the imprisoned blind cleric who inspired the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York.

"In a blessed episode of our Jihad in the name of God and in order to weaken the global infidel network, a battalion from our Jihadi brethrens managed to carry out an operation in order to strike an economic blow to the infidels," the statement said.

"After midnight on last Wednesday, the hero, the martyrdom seeker Ayoub Tayshan, blew himself up in the Japanese tanker M. Star in the Strait of Hormuz between the United Arab Emirates and Oman causing damages, that were reported all over the international media outlets. This heroic operation will have a major effect on the global economy and the oil prices."

The day after the July 28 blast, the owner of the Japanese-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged M. Star said the ship suffered hull damage caused by an explosion which "seemed to be an attack from external forces."

But Capt. Musa Murad, director of the port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, gave a different account of the incident. He told WAM, the state run news agency, that the tanker was passing through the strait when it was exposed to a high wave as a result of an earthquake shock.

The Brigades, in its message, made mention of the UAE account. "The enemies of God wanted to hide the truth of what happened in this operation and some even tried to explain it by saying there was a strong earthquake. But indeed, our martyrdom-seeker shook the grounds underneath them by reaching his precious goal, proving to the global infidels again that the guardians of God -- the Mujahedeen -- will open the most difficult doors with God's blessing, and nothing will stop them -- no security system nor the intelligence service."

The M. Star was bearing two million barrels of oil, according to the port of Fujairah marine department. The tanker with 31 crew members -- 16 from the Philippines and 15 from India -- on board, was heading to the port of Chiba, Japan.

The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow body of water between Oman and Iran, leading from the Gulf of Oman to the Persian Gulf.

An Omani enclave sits on the southern coast of the strait.

Published in

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An Omani giant ship repair yard set for March 2011 opening

The Arab world is set to get another giant ship repair yard. Oman Drydock Company (ODC) is planning to commence ship repair operations at its new yard in Duqm in March 2011.

Duqm is in the Al Wusta Region of Oman, located in the southeast corner of the Arabian peninsula.

The shipyard will have two ULCC-sized graving docks -- measuring 410 m x 95 m and 410 m x 80 m which are being built by a consortium of Korea's Daewoo Engineering and Contracting and Galfar Engineering and Contracting.Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co has a ten year agreement (renewable for another ten years) to operate and manage the facility, which is owned by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman.
The yards initial market focus will be on oil tankers and LNG carriers, with its first customer being the state-owned Oman Shipping Company. It has a current fleet strength of 48 vessels, including tankers, LNG vessels and bulk carriers--and ambitious expansion plans.

Duqm's strategic location on the Arabian Sea is seen as giving it a competitive advantage. And whereas ships going to rival giant repair yards in the region have to go to Fujairah to remove residuals before repair, Oman Drydock Company is investing in aslop reception and sludge treatment plant.

The number of vessels that can be repaired at the yard will be limited in the initial months, with operations starting with a work force of 600 people. But the yard will be able to handle to 120-130 vessels in a year once it stabilizes operation, when the workforce will go up to 3,000.
Published in

USA Navy confirms no vessel were near the Japanese damaged supertanker

Reporting by Raissa Kasolowsky; Editing by Amran Abocar

DUBAI July 29 (Reuters) - There were no U.S. Navy or maritime coalition vessels near a Japanese supertanker damaged in an incident in the Strait of Hormuz, a Fifth Fleet spokesman said on Thursday. Asked if there were any U.S. navy or coalition vessels close to the supertanker at the time, he said: "No, there were none close to the ship ... none of our vessels were involved."

He was speaking by telephone from Bahrain.

© Thomson Reuters 2010 All rights reserved

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