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A villa for rent in Azaiba
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bangalore successfully performed a bone marrow transplant on Omani girl
Dubai, Dec 29, (PTI) :
A three-year-old girl in Oman, who was diagnosed with leukaemia six months back, has got a new lease of life after doctors in Bangalore successfully performed a bone marrow transplant on her.
Calls for Talks on Korean Maritime Boundary
An international group dedicated to preventing conflict warns of the risk of a wider conflict on the Korean peninsula. The report comes a month after an exchange of artillery fire that left four South Koreans dead.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Oman: Population 2,694,094
By Kaushalendra Singh -
1,951,100 citizens and 742,994 expats
MUSCAT — The preliminary results of 2010 census show that the Sultanate’s population has gone up to 2,694,094 in 2010 from 2,340,815 in 2003. Out of the total population of 2,694,094 there are 1,951,100 Omanis and 742,994 expatriates.
النتائج الأولية لتعداد سلطنة عمان 2010
قام بالتغطية - زكريا فكري
مليونين و 694 ألف نسمــة تعـداد سكان السلطنة منهم 743 ألف وافد
أعلن أمس معالي أحمد بن عبد النبي مكي وزير الاقتصاد الوطني والمشرف العام على تعداد 2010 النتائج الأولية للعد الفعلي للسكان والمساكن والمنشآت التي تم تنفيذها خلال الفترة من 12 الى 21 ديسمبر 2010 والتي اقتصرت على أعداد الوحدات المشمولة بالعد، وهي المساكن والأسر والأفراد كما كانت عليه منتصف ليلة 12 ديسمبر 2010م، موزعة على المحافظات والمناطق. حيث بلغ إجمالي عدد المساكن حسب تعداد 2010 م، (546) ألف مسكن مقارنة بـ (431 ) ألف مسكن في تعداد 2003 م. وبلغ عدد الأسر (401) ألف أسرة، منها (259) ألف أسرة عمانية وبما يعادل (64.6%)، مقارنة بـ (343) ألف أسرة في تعداد 2003 منها (225) ألفا وبما يعادل (65.6%) أسرة عمانية. بلغ إجمالي سكان السلطنة (2.694) مليون نسمة، منهم (1.951) مليون عماني، و(743) ألف وافد بما يعادل (27.6%) من إجمالي السكان. وذلك مقارنة بـ (2.341) ألف نسمة حسب تعداد 2003، منهم (1.782) ألف عماني و(559) ألف وافد.
Monday, December 27, 2010
UAE consumers considering stocking up on necessities from neighbouring Oman
Praseeda Nair
27 December 2010, 6:26
AMInstability in world food prices has hit shopping baskets in the Emirates hard, with many consumers considering stocking up on necessities from neighbouring Oman.
Fresh fruit, vegetables and other commodities continue to rise sharply, with prices of vegetables having increased by 9.49 per cent, and fruits reaching 6.29 per cent — a startling figure considering the Emirate’s history in enjoying fresh produce in abundance.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tour guides in Oman are leading the way towards self-employment
Dec 25, 2010
Young tour guides are leading the way towards self-employment as the local job market is getting tighter. Thanks to a rise in the number of tourists visiting Oman this year.
Saudi-Oman road construction gathers pace
Published: Dec 25, 2010 23:20 Updated: Dec 25, 2010 23:20
JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia has stepped up efforts to open its first land border point with Oman in 2012 by constructing 592 km of road through the Empty Quarter, one of the largest deserts in the world. “We have completed 89 percent of the road project,” said Transport Minister Jabara Al-Seraisry.
يجب اتخاذ إجراءات لسرعة الحد من إمكانية اندلاع حرب حقيقية بين الكوريتين
سيول ــ وكالات: أوصت مجموعة الأزمات الدولية في دراسة نشرت أمس بإجراء تحكيم دولي لإعادة تحديد الحدود البحرية في البحر الأصفر بين الكوريتين وخفض خطر
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Oman and Japan reiterated their desire to strengthen heritage and cultural field
22 December 2010
22 December 2010
MUSCAT — The Sultanate of Oman and Japan reiterated their desire to strengthen two-way ties, particularly in the heritage and cultural field, at the opening of an ‘Oman Cultural Week’ in Tokyo on Monday.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Oman Air awarded for Technology Implementation of the Year category
Oman Air, the national carrier of Oman, was recently awarded for its introduction of in-flight mobile phone and Wi-Fi connectivity at fourth annual Aviation Business Awards 2010 in Abu Dhabi.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Oman inaugurates the container carrier "Fanja"
- Amal Hasson
Sunday, 19 December 2010 22:39
Oman (Muscat) - The first voyage of the container carrier "Fanja" from the Sultanate's ports to the ports of the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea was inaugurated in Port Sultan Qaboos today under the auspices of Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki, Minister of National Economy, Deputy Chairman of the Financial Affairs and Energy Resources Council and Chairman of Oman Shipping Company (OSC) in the presence of officials and ambassadors to the Sultanate and chairmen of the companies operating in various shipping fields in the Sultanate.
Iranian Parliament Approves Iran-Oman Security Pact
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian parliament on Sunday approved a bill that allows Tehran to implement an agreement on security cooperation and coordination with Oman.
The bill was approved with 136 votes in favor, 4 against and 6 abstentions.
The bill includes 10 articles that cover fields of cooperation, practice mechanisms, joint working groups, implementation and contact sources, financial expenditures, avoiding requests, interpretation of rules and regulations, settlement of differences, exchange of documents and data, implementation of the agreement and the final regulations.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
والحكمة عمانية
د.علي سيف حسن
رئيس منتدى التنمية السياسية في البمن السعيد الإهداء إلى الصديق محمد بن سعيد بن حارب المحروقي الذي برفقته تعرفت على ملامح الحكمة العمانية.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bolton is open to offers for goalkeeper Ali Al-Habsi
Bolton manager Owen Coyle has hinted he is open to offers for on-loan goalkeeper Ali Al-Habsi.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Oman's efforts to facilitate the release of the 15 members of the British Royal Navy seized by Iranian forces
Wednesday, 11 April 2007, 12:57
C O N F I D E N T I A L MUSCAT 000359
EO 12958 DECL: 04/11/2017
Classified By: Ambassador Gary A. Grappo for Reasons 1.4 (b, d)
1. (C) During a May 11 meeting with the Ambassador, British Ambassador Noel Guckian expressed great satisfaction with Oman's efforts to facilitate the release of the 15 members of the British Royal Navy seized by Iranian forces on March 23. Guckian stated that he had been in near daily contact with Omani Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs Yousef bin Alawi during the crisis, and that bin Alawi had been "very supportive." According to Guckian, bin Alawi called Ali Larijani, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, "a number of times" to urge the immediate release of the captive sailors.
2. (C) Guckian also confirmed that he received a phone call from bin Alawi on April 4 in the early afternoon informing him that Iranian President Ahmadinejad would shortly be making a public announcement which would be "very favorable." Bin Alawi had apparently just received the news himself from Larijani. (Note: Guckian was at the Ambassador's residence for a business lunch when bin Alawi called him. End note.)
3. (C) The UK Ambassador reiterated that the Omanis had been very supportive throughout the crisis and even credited them in some part for the successful outcome. It was an occasion, he concluded, when Oman's "positive but non-substantive" relationship with Tehran actually proved useful to the Omanis and an important Omani ally. GRAPPO
World newsThe US embassy cables • US foreign policy • Iran • Oman UK newsMilitary PoliticsForeign policy More on this storyCable: Vatican 'helped secure release' of British sailors captured by Iran
Cable: Iran's capture of British sailors 'less risky than antagonising US'
Cable: Ahmadinejad ordered capture of British servicemen 'for domestic reasons'
Cable: Iraqi president calls on Iran to release British sailors
Cable: Bahraini prince 'wonders why British sailors let themselves be caught' by Iran
More on the US embassy cables
28 Nov 2010
US embassy cables: Oman sultan resists Iranian charm offensive
28 Nov 2010
US embassy cables: Omani official wary of Iranian expansionism
10 Dec 2010
Pope helped to free British sailors held by Iran, WikiLeaks cables show
10 Dec 2010
US embassy cables: Iran's capture of British sailors 'less risky than antagonising US'
guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2010
Published in
Friday, December 10, 2010
Oman Tourism Global Marketing Campaign starts first in Australia
Source = Oman Tourism
Last night over 80 travel industry and media professionals were immersed in Arabian hospitality at the Oman Tourism function which was held at 'Souk in the City' in Sydney.
The 2011 Tour of Oman will cover a hillier route
The Tour of Oman will cover a hillier route in 2011 with a finish on the slopes of the Jebel Akhdar mountain and an 18km individual time trial.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
دورة الألعاب الآسيوية الشاطئية مسقط 2010 تنطلق بحضور البحار أحمد بن ماجد التاريخي تحت رعاية فهد بن محمود آل سعيد
(بسم الله.. وبمشيئته.. نعلن افتتاح دورة الألعاب الآسيوية الشاطئية مسقط 2010 متمنين لكافة المشاركين في الدورة التوفيق والنجاح مع كل الشكر والتقدير لكل من ساهم في هذا الانجاز الكبير.. والشكر لكل من تحدث في حفل الافتتاح ولجاك روج رئيس اللجنة الاولمبية الدولية على تلبية الدعوة لحضور حفل الافتتاح.. بارك الله في جهودكم ووفقكم الله لما فيه صالح الخير ونبل الرياضة).
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Gay men and women may still not be able to serve openly in the USA armed forces
Published: December 6, 2010
MUSCAT, Oman — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates cast doubt Monday that the Senate would vote before the end of the year to allow gay men and women to serve openly in the armed forces.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
الحكم بالسجن المطلق في جريمة القرصنة الواقعة على شاطئ مرباط
بنصر من الله وتمكينه فإنه في يوم الأحد الموافق 28/11/2010م نطقت محكمة الاستئناف بصلالة عدلاً على المتهمين الأفارقة الإثني عشر الذين
Friday, December 3, 2010
قطرتنظم بطولة العالم لكرة القدم 2022
الجزيرة الرياضية
فازت قطر بشرف تنظيم بطولة العالم لكرة القدم 2022 بعد تفوقها في المنافسة النهائية على الولايات المتحدة الأميركية.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
اللائحة التنظيمية للمؤسسات التدريبية في سلطنة عمان
لقاء مع مدير ضبط المعايير المهنية بوازرة القوى العاملة حول الموضوع
Internet2 network in the Sultanate
MUSCAT: A study is being carried out to set up Internet2 network in the Sultanate, said Hilal Al Hinai, The Research Council (TRC) general secretary, at the Internet2 Middle East Regional Interest Group Meeting yesterday.
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